The Somatic Resonance Phase in  Intervision

The Somatic Resonance Phase in Intervision

The intervision model is composed of Nine phases, one of the most important and a pillar of this approach is the Somatic Resonance phase.  Somatic Resonance is a natural  phenomenon in which bodies impact each other at a fundamental energetic level.  ...

What are the Fundamental Properties of Energy?

What are the Fundamental Properties of Energy?

The first characteristic of life energy is the pulsatory movement. We are energetic beings made of pulsating organs, in a continuous pulsatory process. The DNA of each cell vibrates by contraction and expansion several billion times per second. The body functions...

Energy in the Therapeutic Process

Energy in the Therapeutic Process

Energy, this vital force, was spoken of and studied for millennia and it was referred as Prana, Chi, Soul, Nuclear Consciousness, Universal Energy and so on.                               Reich...

The Connective Tissue: A New Organ

The Connective Tissue: A New Organ

The importance of connective tissue has only recently begun to be understood. As in the universe, space is not empty. It is the same inside the cell and between one cell and another. The interstices are full, there are no empty spaces, there is a precise...

The Physical Therapeutic Contact

The Physical Therapeutic Contact

Physical contact is not optional it is essential for human development, from there it all started. Human beings need contact and love and want to touch each other. A gentle, affectionate touch, a hug, a kiss, is inherently intrinsically and naturally therapeutic....


In the indivisible unity of the living organism there is another fundamental element, which has been called: spirit, soul, consciousness etc . The spirit together with the body-mind is considered the basic constituent of the human being. Is spirit consciousness? Is it...

Sensations & Feelings

Despite the natural unity of the organism, we have mostly organised ourselves to live and function in a divided, separate way, too much with the cognitive brain, the language and not enough with the rest of the body, which resides bellow the head. We have diminished,...

Redefining health and illness

 HEALTH For centuries the very concept of the human body was  seen in an almost violent division, which made us perceive the various body systems separate from one another. This is how it was taught in our textbooks. We studied the individual parts of the body...